
What Are Fibroids?

Fibroids are (almost always) non-cancerous tumours of smooth muscle cells and fibroids connective tissue. They develop in the uterus and are extremely common in women – an estimated 70% to 80% of women will likely have fibroids in their lifetime.

On the one hand, this doesn’t mean that all women with fibroids will have symptoms and require fibroid treatment – some women may be able to go through life without having to remove their fibroids or experience symptoms.


The cause of fibroid development is difficult to determine. However, it is known that fibroids are stimulated by oestrogen. Women who are more at risk of developing fibroids include those who:

  • Are nearing menopause
  • Are overweight or obese
  • Are of a certain ethnic group (African, Asian)
  • Have had no previous pregnancies
  • Started their period before the age of 10

Fibroids are commonly found during a routine pelvic examination and not because a patient has suspected that they have fibroids.



As mentioned previously, some women might develop fibroids without any symptoms. But, this isn’t always the case for others. The common symptoms of uterine fibroids are:

  • Abdominal and/or pelvic pain
  • Heavy and/or prolonged periods
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pressure on the bladder/bowels – need to urinate is more frequent/can cause constipation
  • Frequent miscarriages
  • Preterm labour
  • Infertility

There are three fibroid types:

  1. Subserosal – most common type; pushes outside of the uterus into the pelvis
  2. Submucosal – grows into the uterus
  3. Intramural – develops in the uterus’ muscular wall


There are a number of different fibroid treatment options available, but the most suitable one can depend on individual needs and fibroid size, type, and position. Surgery is certainly an option, but for those who aren’t keen on surgery, we provide fibroid embolisation, an alternative that shrinks the fibroids by blocking their blood supply. This is done through injecting particles into the arteries that supply blood to the fibroids.

Lumina Interventional Radiology offers quality fibroid treatment for patients looking for a non-invasive alternative to fibroid surgery. If you’re interested in our fibroid treatment services, please first speak with your doctor to discuss whether you’d be suitable for this type of treatment.

Then, all you need to do is get in touch with the Lumina team for more information on our fibroid treatment solutions.
