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varicose veins

Varicose Vein treatment at Lumina:

Our team collectively has experience in treating hundreds of patients with sclerotherapy interventional radiology and varicose ablation with the most advanced minimally invasive non surgical techniques. 

What Are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted veins close to the skin surface. They occur in the superficial venous system (close to the skin) and usually in the legs. Veins normally carry blood back up to the heart, and the valves in these veins prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction (down the legs). When the valves leak, blood pools and flows backwards in the vein causing the veins to enlarge and become twisted.

Varicose veins are very common and are increasingly prevalent as we age. Thermal ablation varicose veins can be the source of cosmetic concern for many who have them but can also cause skin changes, itchiness, pain and can progress to the point of causing ulcers (small wounds).


Are symptoms affecting your life?

Varicose veins can cause:

  • Swelling of the legs and ankles
  • Tired, aching legs
  • Itchy, dry skin
  • Non- healing wounds on your legs

If you have varicose vein ablation, sclerotherapy ablation or other symptoms of venous insufficiency treatment can improve your quality of life.

Varicose veins will not improve or resolve by themselves but continue to worsen.

Risk Factors?

  • Genetics
  • Overweight
  • Lack of exercise
  • Prolonged standing
  • Pregnancy

Varicose veins will not improve or resolve by themselves but continue to worsen. Their worsening can be slowed down by avoiding prolonged standing/ sitting still and ensuring good exercise.

How Are They treated?

Varicose veins can be treated in three different ways.

  1. Compression stockings:

A compression stocking on your leg exerts varying pressure up the leg, improving blood flow up the leg and reducing pooling of blood and dilatation (stretching) of the vein. This has been proven to improve symptoms of varicose veins, but it is uncomfortable to wear all the time and cosmetically unappealing. 

  1. Surgical removal/ stripping:

General anaesthetic. The abnormally functioning (incompetent) vein is ligated (tied off) and removed via incisions. Recovery is relatively prolonged and painful. 

  1. Endovenous Thermal Ablation (Radiofrequency/ Laser) +/- Sclerotherapy

Gold standard of vein treatment. A special catheter (tube) is placed into the vein and passed along inside it. It is then used to deliver energy into the vein wall and close this vein. This is performed with local anaesthetic and a tiny nick in the skin to access the vein. The procedure usually takes around 40 minutes. Recovery is rapid, with patients walking out after the treatment.

Treatment Options

Get in touch with us for a consultation. We will support you through your entire treatment journey. We will obtain an ultrasound of the veins and discuss appropriate treatments with you. Here at Lumina Interventional Radiology, our radiofrequency ablation varicose veins specialists offer an effective varicose veins treatment, including endovenous vein, and radiofrequency vein treatment that makes use of a minimally-invasive catheter-based procedure. Some of the benefits of this treatment include:

  • Eliminating surgery
  • Walk in and walk out of the procedure
  • Quick recovery time
  • Highly effective

Frequently Asked Questions

No. Whilst many of patients are referred to us by their GPs we do not need a referral. We will keep your doctor up to date with consultations, treatments and follow up.

Not all patients are the same. Together with the consultation and the detailed ultrasound mapping of the veins in the leg we tailor the best treatment plan personalised to you.

In experienced hands the procedure will take less than an hour for one leg. Additional treatments may be performed at follow up appointments and are included in the cost of treatment.

The procedure is performed with local anaesthesia. The majority of patients do not experience any discomfort. Light sedation can be given to help with any anxiety during the procedure.

You should be able to resume your normal daily activities shortly after the treatment and get back to work the day after the treatment.
More strenuous exercise (running and weight training) should usually be avoided for 2 weeks to enable time for healing and the veins to remain closed.
To avoid the risk of infection baths, hot tubs and swimming should be avoided for 10 days

It is normal for the treated veins to feel lumpy and hard. Bruising sometimes occurs over the treated veins. These take around 3 to 6 months to settle down. Any discomfort is helped with by the compression stocking, paracetamol and anti-inflammatories.

After the procedure we will put your leg in a thigh high graduated compression stocking. This helps prevent the treated veins reopening and will need to be worn for at least 10 days.
We recommend and encourage walking to help circulate blood through the deep veins of the leg. More strenuous exercise (running and weight training) should usually be avoided for 2 weeks to enable time for healing and the veins to remain closed.

Yes. Our nurses will contact you a few days after the procedure and we routinely see you back in the clinic approximately 6 weeks after your treatment. We will perform an ultrasound to ensure the treatment has been effective and we will perform any additional treatments during this visit if necessary. This is at no additional cost.

Over 250 international studies have shown that endovenous ablation is very effective and is better than traditional surgical interventions with excellent long term success.
It is important to understand that varicose veins are a progressive disease. We treat the problematic veins however it is dependent on the individual patient, their genetics and lifestyle as to whether other varicose veins develop over time.

Most insurers will cover varicose vein treatment depending on your plan. We are Southern Cross affiliated.

Before & After

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