
What You Can Do About Your Veins Without Surgery

Although varicose veins can be both painful and unsightly, it’s natural that many people don’t want to undergo surgery to deal with it. There have been lots of advances made in vein treatment over the years though, so here are some options if you want to reduce your symptoms.


Gentle exercises that get the blood moving are great for varicose veins. Things like swimming or even walking will help, especially if you have a job where you sit or stand still for long periods.


A healthy diet can improve your health in more ways than one, so it’s perhaps unsurprising that a better diet will see a reduction in symptoms. Excess sodium causes swelling, particularly in the legs, so the first item to cut down on is salt. Focus instead on foods like tuna and leafy greens that are high in potassium to help flush water from your body.

Compression socks

Wearing compression socks made of tight elastic can help the veins to pump blood to the heart. Depending on the severity of your varicose veins, you can opt for compression socks from the supermarket or get a prescription as a form of vein treatment. You can choose to wear them during the day or at night, but commonly they are worn during the day and then taken off when you go to sleep.


Because varicose veins are most likely to appear on your legs, elevating your legs to a point above your heart will encourage blood flow to the chest and also lessen any discomfort. This will help to reduce swelling and alleviate general pressure.

Longer term treatments

Varicose veins occur because the veins aren’t able to push the blood back to the heart and so blood collects within the veins, stretching them and causing veins that are a lot more visible. At Lumina Interventional Radiology, we offer minimally invasive vein treatments to help you get rid of those varicose veins for good. We also discuss treatment options to reduce symptoms if surgery really isn’t for you.

Get in touch with us today for an appointment or to learn more about what we offer.
